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Wellbeing, everyday inspiration from our guest artists Daphne McCartney-Williams

Art in the time of Coronavirus.

How to enhance your everyday life by doing small mixed media art pieces.

We could stay worried. We feel anxious. And life is not as it use to be, we have more time on our hands to think, and to be aware of what is around us. I find my life feels more balanced when I concentrate on something colourful. Mixed media collage takes you to new places as an artist or as a yet to be, expressive person. You don't need to be an artist to do this project.

To start with I write a stream of conscious 3 pages, based on the book The Artist's Way. This offers space to express the concerns most plaguing you. No one reads these pages. Instead let feelings emerge, be written, and released. You may start with the words, "Good Morning Morning Pages", then see what comes up. By page 3, you get to the truth or root of your concerns. And maybe now feel ready to look out the window for what nature is offering today. From this observation, find a theme for your art project today.

How to begin your art project.

Divide an A3 paper using masking tape into 4 quadrants. Use the same colour palette, same marks, same set of images in all four pieces. But each will be unique. Start by painting, colouring or drawing on the quadrants. They are small, but this helps reduce the pressure of creating a work of art. These are experimental. A wash of colours is easy to do. Don't worry if basic, this is just your starting point. Collect images by cutting out bits from newspaper, seed packets, magazines, or even your old art works that weren't quite working. Images, words, tissue paper, numbers, word games, anything that catches your eye. Use similar image on all four pieces. Now arrange on paper, glue into place to convey your theme. Gel medium is then brushed on top to seal this layer. Dry. Now take Neo crayons or markers, or watercolour pencils and make further marks on top. Sometimes it may be just dots. Even a light swoosh of gesso, can create a mood for the work, or ink scattered, to look aged. Dry this layer.

Then see if you need to add anything else like a word or line of poetry using a white or black marker, this is the top layer, highlighting your work. Work on all four small squares at the same time, doing each step. Now remove tape, cut into 4, and adhere to a cardboard or carton paper base or just your sketch book as I've done.

Each day will be different. Freeing and experimental, you will find your imagination opening up and your worries blown away for the moment. Enjoy!

Daphne McCartney-Williams

Artist, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Suffolk England

My mixed media art work is below. 14.5cm x 20cm, acrylic paint, ink, photo images, papers, music sheets, Neo crayon, hand printed tissue.

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Anne Nelson
Anne Nelson
Mar 29, 2020

I love this arty crafting....right up my street! Thank you for the easily read instructions on how to achieve something similar. Some time ago I was involved in a digital (online) challenge like worked really well with artists from around the globe with some amazing results. ⚜️

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