At the Mill Tye Gallery we want to bring some positivity to you all and remind you that there are lots of things to look forward to in 2021 including Springtime: a return to longer, lighter days and to the happy moments that spur us all on.
As we all have to stay at home at the moment, why not get out in the garden and get creative. Jackie Mellor shares her top tips for enjoying garden photography, just in time for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch coming up on the 29th - 31st of January, a great way to boost your spirits and test your skills. So sign up, grab your camera, and get out in the garden. We look forward to seeing the results on the Mill Tye Shoot & Share Facebook page!

Jackie's top tips...
1) Charge your batteries and clear your memory card
2) Set your camera up so that you have less to think about when you start to shoot
3) Decide where you are going to create your photographs and make sure you are wearing suitable clothing
4) Clear your mind and leave your worries behind you
5) Think of your camera as an extension of you, a tool to help you express and communicate the way that you see the world
6) Choose a subject
7) Assess the light
8) Set your ISO according to the brightness of the light
Low ISO = Bright light / High ISO = Low light
9) Set your aperture and shutter speed according to the subject and the type of image you are trying to create
10) Make adjustments to your aperture, shutter speed or ISO to balance your exposure
11) Take shots from different angles and points of view, noticing the light and where things are placed within the image
12) Think about the rules of composition and how you can apply them to create a more compelling image
13) Be in the moment, each time you create a photograph
14) Use all of your senses to see and experience your subject
15) Have an open mind and be ready to notice new things and capture the unexpected
16) Evaluate your photographs as you go along and make adjustments
17) When you have finished creating photographs, review them on your computer, select the best and show them to someone
18) Listen to how they respond and what they say
19) Make further modifications and adjustments using editing software to correct and enhance your photographs
20) Share the photos with others, online, print them or make a photo-book
21) Remember once you share your photographs, they have a life of their own and can make a difference in other people’s lives
22) If you get frustrated or make mistakes, never fear! Just review your work and try something different next time. There is no such thing as failing - only learning!
