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Terry Flower, Beyond Surface.

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

I take inspiration for my work by walking in the landscape and one of my regular local walks is to travel along the footpath along the Stour that runs from Sudbury to Great Cornard. This short walk from the car park behind Waitrose up to Bakers Mill joins urban to suburban via a gentle stroll beside nature and along the edge of the Stour.

For me it never ceases to inspire. It’s a modest walk through a modest landscape that offers so much to the mind and human spirit especially when we slow to rivers pace and begin to notice.

Last summer I decided to document this stroll via photography and poetry. Having built a body of work, which is still being added to, I took a selection along to Peter Rumsey at Mill Tye Gallery to

enquire about the possibility of showing the work. It is the perfect location sitting as it does right on the footpath alongside the river that inspires the work. Fortunately for me Peter was as excited about the possibility of showing the work at the gallery as I was. I am both excited and grateful for the opportunity especially as my slot will run from June 4th to the end of July. I will be at the gallery throughout that period to talk to visitors about the work and I will be running several workshops so as to pass on my enthusiasm and love of the natural world and its ability to offer solace and alternative values in a fast moving, very often virtual, world. Terry Flower

Terry Flower

Beyond Surface

Exhibition 2022

Photography and poetry inspired

by walking the river.

We’re proud to be joining forces withk the Festival of Suffolk with a series of exhibitions and events this year. The festival encourages communities across our wonderful county to get together to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and what better place to get us all together than at the Mill Tye Gallery celebrating the beauty of the Suffolk countryside and the river Stour. Join Terry Flower and the Mill Tye Gallery team for the exhibition Preview Day on Saturday 4th June 2022 from 12 to 7pm.





During the last weeks of his exhibition Terry Flower will be giving a free gallery talk about his current show Beyond Surface in the gallery at Mill Tye on Sunday 10 July. 2:30pm to 4:00pm.

Free Admission. Booking essential.

Terry will be talking about the inspiration behind the work and his creative methods regarding the photography and poetry on display in the exhibition. The talk will also cover the concepts behind his creations and how they link with his personal views regarding the place for nature in our lives. He will also touch upon how the privilege of having the exhibition has allowed the work to talk back to him to clarify his practice. Finally, he will comment upon the experience of running workshops in the unique environment and locale of the gallery and how the interaction with attendees continues to inspire personal practice. At the end of the talk Terry will be happy to take questions from the audience.

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The Mill Tye Gallery has been paving the way for new and undiscovered talent from across the region.

Sitting by the idyllic River Stour in Great Cornard, the Gallery provides a backdrop of natural beauty to celebrate the works of local contemporary artists, printmakers, sculptors and potters.

Mill Tye Gallery and Arts Centre

3 Cornard Mills, Mill Tye,

Great Cornard, Sudbury,

Suffolk CO10 0GW

Telephone: 01787 376796

Opening hours:

Thursday to Sunday

10:30am to 4pm

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